Cleveland's Investment in Minority Business: Spotlight on Roaming Meals

Cleveland's Investment in Minority Business: Spotlight on Roaming Meals

Cleveland's Investment in Minority Business: Spotlight on Roaming Meals

ashley-cantley   Ashley Cantley
October 25, 2023   •   Local Market Insights

Nestled in the heart of Ohio, Cleveland-Elyria's burgeoning food culture is gaining traction, all thanks to pioneers like Erick Billups. This former state trooper didn't just want to add another burger joint; he aimed to revolutionize the burger landscape. His creation, the Gusher Burger, is redefining gourmet burgers, one cheesy bite at a time.

Tracing the Origins of Roaming Meals

Every iconic brand has its roots, and Roaming Meals is no exception. What began as a bright yellow beacon on wheels navigating the avenues of Cleveland-Elyria became a sensation. The food truck's transition to a brick-and-mortar locale on East 185th Street in 2022 marked a pivotal chapter in its story. As customers enter the restaurant, the vibrant mural is a testament to its legacy and the journey from roaming streets to establishing roots.

An Expanding Culinary Horizon

Though the Gusher Burger remains its pièce de résistance, Billups has been far from complacent. Roaming Meals is continually evolving, curating a menu that caters to the diverse palette of Cleveland Elyria's residents. From tantalizing breakfast options to delectable chicken tenders, variety is the spice of life at this establishment. And for those who've fallen for their in-house seasoning, Billups has exciting plans to package this magic sprinkle for home kitchens, ensuring that a part of Roaming Meals always remains with its patrons.

Resilience and Reinvention: Cleveland-Elyria's Small Business Landscape

The Small Business STIMulus Grant Program, a brainchild of Executive Armond Budish, has provided a financial cushion to businesses like Roaming Meals. This initiative, mainly focused on uplifting minority-owned businesses, proves the county's unwavering support to its backbone – the local entrepreneurs.

The Small Business STIMulus Grant Program, a brainchild of Executive Armond Budish, has provided a financial cushion to businesses like Roaming Meals

The Roaming Meals Community

Every restaurant offers food, but only a few offer an experience. Roaming Meals has successfully cultivated a community. The walls echo with praise, and these testimonials underscore the brand's unparalleled connection with its patrons, turning first-time visitors into lifelong fans.

Pioneering the Future: Cleveland-Elyria's Progressive Vision

The STIMulus program isn't an isolated initiative; it's a glimpse into Cuyahoga County's ambitious roadmap. The county's investment in diverse sectors, from gastronomy to manufacturing, signals a commitment to holistic growth. With grants ranging from $10,000 to $50,000, Cuyahoga is nurturing businesses, ensuring they don't just survive but thrive and play pivotal roles in the county's vibrant tapestry.



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Why Cleveland-Elyria's Flourishing Entrepreneurial Scene is a Win for Homebuyers

Cleveland-Elyria isn't just becoming a hotspot for food enthusiasts; it's evolving into a dream destination for prospective homebuyers. With businesses like Roaming Meals making waves, the region exudes an atmosphere of vibrancy and innovation. Such a thriving entrepreneurial landscape often translates to increased job opportunities, a factor that's vital for families and young professionals looking to set roots.

Enhanced Community Engagement


The success stories of local businesses foster a strong sense of community pride and cohesion. As establishments like Roaming Meals grow, they often engage in community events, sponsorships, and outreach programs, fostering a tighter-knit neighborhood. For homebuyers, this sense of belonging and active community engagement is invaluable. It's not just about buying a house; it's about becoming part of a dynamic community that celebrates and supports its own.

It's not just about buying a house; it's about becoming part of a dynamic community that celebrates and supports its own.

Appreciation in Property Value

A burgeoning entrepreneurial scene can have a direct impact on real estate trends. As businesses flourish and draw more footfall to the area, the demand for housing typically follows. With its expanding business ecosystem, Cleveland-Elyria will also see an uptick in property values. For homebuyers, this presents an opportunity for a sound investment with promising returns in the foreseeable future.

Cleveland-Elyria's Culture and Innovation

The success of diverse businesses reflects Cleveland-Elyria's rich tapestry of cultures and ideas. This eclectic atmosphere is a magnet for creative minds and forward-thinkers, making the region a hub for innovation and cultural exchange. Homebuyers, especially those with families, often prioritize regions with rich cultural exposure. Cleveland-Elyria promises a home and an environment where residents grow, learn, and immerse themselves in traditions and innovations.

Comprehensive Infrastructure Development

The success of businesses often propels infrastructure development in the region. Improved roads, better public transportation options, and enhanced civic amenities become crucial to support the growing populace. For homebuyers, this is an added perk. Investing in a home in Cleveland-Elyria is not just about the present; it's about a future where the region promises advanced infrastructure and top-notch facilities for its residents.

NAF Homes: Your Connection to a Region on the Rise

Roaming Meals is not just a success story; it's a testament to Cleveland-Elyria's entrepreneurial spirit. It emphasizes the region's dynamic ecosystem, where passion meets support, leading to unparalleled success. For those scouting for opportunities, be it gastronomic adventures or homebuying, the region promises growth, vibrancy, and a tight-knit community. As the aroma of the Gusher Burger wafts through the streets, one thing is clear: Cleveland-Elyria is on an upward trajectory, and its future has never looked more delicious.

To start your homebuying journey and to connect with an experienced real estate agent in the communicate, contact NAF Homes.


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